Friday, April 17, 2009

Week 24/6 Months

Here I am with much more of a belly than 4 weeks ago. We went to the doctor today for my 6 month appointment. I'm really healthy, the baby is healthy and growing right on schedule. At this point I can't really wear any shirts that aren't maternity. The jeans I have on in this picture are the only pants I can still wear that aren't maternity. Our little girl is moving around everyday with her kicks moving higher up each week. I'm feeling good. This past week I have started feeling a bit more pregnant in that if I walk around for 30 minutes or more I'm ready to sit down. My feet also start hurting after walking that much. My belly gets a little in the way every so often. I'm starting to understand how the last 3 months are going to be. 
My friends and I have a little hypothesis going. The more your baby moves while in utero the more the baby is fussy and has to be moving once it's born. If your baby only moves some, where you notice it move a few times a day, the baby is fairly calm once born. Right now, two moms had babies who only moved some in the womb and then are/were good babies. One mom had a crazy moving baby who is now fussy and squirmy. My baby move some and my friends baby moves 24/7. If you are a Mom and want to weigh in on our little hypothesis we would love to hear about it!!! 

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