Sunday, September 13, 2009

Baby Dedication

Yesterday we dedicated Georgia to the Lord. Instead of having it at a church we decided to have it at our friends, the Kendrick's house. We don't really have a relationship with the pastor of the church we attend and wanted our friends and actual community to be apart of it. So, we decided just to do it ourselves. There ended up being about 30 or so people th
at came. Below you can watch it.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hunter Gatherers

During this last Labor Day Weekend we had some great guests to Laguna Landing.

My brother Tom came down from Eastern Kentucky University where he is a history major preparing for seminary. He stayed with us and we really enjoyed the time. We played Frisbee golf at a local park and took Georgia on her first off-road adventure.

Later in the weekend, my college roommate Adam Kawatski and his wife Sara came down from Valdosta, GA. We really enjoyed fellowshipping with them and sharing what God was teaching us in our respective stages of life. The highlight though (for the guys anyway) was spearfishing!

We borrowed Kelly Jones' speargun and pole spear and freedove at Mid Bay Bridge and CC Meigs Bridge in Niceville.

We shot 7 fish, including a very large mullet, a flounder, and five sheepshead. Perfect for fish tacos!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Georgia Talks*

*Disclaimer about this video: this is posted for posterity for me and for the Grandparents. It's almost 4 minutes long, so you might not want to sit and watch the entire thing.

Georgia is 5 1/2 weeks old now and on a regular basis when hanging out and happy, talks away. It's quite fun to interact with her and to watch/listen to.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

1 month old!

Georgia is 1 month old! The first month has flown by. The first few weeks were quite the transition, but we are slowly getting the hang of things and falling more in love with her everyday.
Joe gave me a hard time for not posting more pictures with us in them, so here are some with he and I with Georgia. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Month in Review

So as you can imagine this first month has flown by without much time to add to the blog. As I am typing this, I'm rocking Georgia in the bouncy seat with my foot to keep her calm to be able to work on this. :) Here are some of the many pictures from her first month of life.
week 4
Week 3, she's laying in her crib, she's not sleeping in it yet at night, but I've been trying to have her take naps in it to get used to sleeping in her room. After this weekend we won't be having any more guests and it is our plan to move her in there.
week 4, she has started to smile more and to make fun cooing sounds. I'm going to try to video her making the cute sounds.
Often I find her sleeping in this position. I call it the "I surrender" pose. It seemed she often had her hands up near her face in the womb, so I think it's a carry over.
This is the first time I used the stroller. We went to the mall. She did great, she slept the entire time! I LOVE the stroller. It's really light weight making it easy to take in and out of the trunk and for me to handle on my own.
We have a vibrating seat we put her in, mainly when we're eating dinner or when I'm trying to get something done while she's awake. She gets the funniest look on her face when it first gets going. Her hands go out as to steady herself too.
week 3, at her 2 week check up she was 9 lbs and 22 inches, having gained a lb. and grown and inch since birth.
Our birthing class instructor had suggested Joe hold her in what is called the 'football hold'. I thought it would be only appropriate to have him do the Heisman pose while holding her in this position.
Trying out the baby bjorn for the first time. She spit up on Joe as soon as we were trying to put her in it. It was quite funny, something you would see in a movie, you couldn't have planned the timing any better.
She likes hanging out on the floor, in her swing or bouncy seat or on the bed. It's fun to watch her look around, squirm and make noises.
We had many adventures in diaper changing the first few weeks. Well, I say we, but mostly it was Joe, he was great and did most of the diaper changing. She had so many times where she started pooping after the diaper had been taken off and she had just been cleaned making a huge mess. This is the only time it's gotten all over her clothes like this, but I had to take a picture as a representation of all the other crazy diaper changes.
This is the first piece of mail Georgia received addressed to her. It was from Larry and Julie Matthews. We thought it would be funny to actually put her in the package, especially since it says 'handle with care'.
Uncle Joshua, Johnena's brother, was also able to come and visit.
13 days old
Mommy and daughter :)
9 days old
first time in the swing

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Time with In-Laws

Thanks so much to both our sets of parents for coming down and helping us out. We definitely needed it those first few weeks.

The Drakes and Browns
Johnena Drake, Grandma, with Georgia

Wes Drake aka new Papou

Brown Family- Florida Detachment
Nana, Jenny Brown

Poppy (Greg Brown) is excited!